13 januar 2010

Film om smågruppene i Bjølsen

Smågrupper 2010 - Bjølsen Misjonskirke from Bjølsen Misjonskirke on Vimeo.

2 kommentarer:

Frk. Pedersen sa...

ÅÅ jeg fikk så lyst til å flytte til Oslo og begynne med en gang!:)

Anonym sa...

We are representing Hair Loss news. We manage a lot of web sites, and we found your website trought the net. We are pondering if you need to exchange links with us. Actualy we are looking for links to our websites, if you're interested please visit our site, on the right menu you will find the catalog link, there you can submit your website and exchange links with us...
Our website pages are excellent ranked, and they're going to be better in the following days...
Thank you, and I'm sorry if i put the information in a wrong place, that because I could not find the contact link..
Best regards
Keepingmyhair Staff.
[url=http://www.keepingmyhair.com/contactus]Hair loss news[/url]